Fortunato Files

The Crow Hop

Published April 27th, 2018 in Fortunato Files, Leadership

That was a definite crow hop! Fortunato did not actually buck, but clearly let me know he could (if he wanted to). We came to an abrupt (although staggering) halt. In all of our work together, he had never misbehaved this way, and it scared me. My first temptation was to jump off and find […]


The Fortunato Files: Develop Your Leadership Core

Published June 10th, 2017 in Blog, Fortunato Files

With a goal of getting organized and moving forward, this horse will drop me to the right and slide to the left. We wiggle and drift side to side.  This is when I hear my instructor’s voice in my head. “Find your structure! No matter what he does, you are immovable. Your structure supports him – it […]


Managing Your Presence

Published May 1st, 2015 in Fortunato Files

Fortunato will try things with me that he wouldn’t dream of trying with his Trainer, Erin Bell. He finds the holes (in my confidence and capability) and exploits them. In that way, he is a great teacher. He shows me where the holes are, so I can fill them with…presence.  It’s fascinating to watch someone […]