Ready Set Grow!

Get Your Worry On!

Published July 21st, 2009 in Blog, Ready Set Grow!, Strategies and Hints

There is a whole lot to worry about, so you better get started right away! For many of us worry is a constant, all-too-faithful companion. (That’s fair, because in many ways we “invite” her along for the ride. We don’t like her, but honestly some of us don’t know what to do without her!) Once […]


Happy Birthday Grow!

Published March 3rd, 2009 in Blog, Ready Set Grow!

This is a big day. “Ready, Set….Grow!” hits the shelves today. (Can I just say, “she” looks fabulous next to Designed for Success?!) I have high hopes for “Grow” and for what this book will be for those who read it. I was asked in an interview last week, “Why this book, now?” This is […]


What difference can a mentor make?

Published February 12th, 2009 in Blog, Mentoring, Ready Set Grow!

I heard a mentoring story this week. Actually it was a story that ended badly for everyone. I call it a mentoring story because it’s a perfect example of mentoring that didn’t happen, but would have made all the difference. A bright young woman with great potential was climbing the career ladder two steps at […]