
The Crow Hop

Published April 27th, 2018 in Fortunato Files, Leadership

That was a definite crow hop! Fortunato did not actually buck, but clearly let me know he could (if he wanted to). We came to an abrupt (although staggering) halt. In all of our work together, he had never misbehaved this way, and it scared me. My first temptation was to jump off and find […]


When Needs Become Expectations

Published April 24th, 2018 in Blog, Leadership, Mentoring

It’s fascinating to see the next generations stepping into the workplace and marketplace. While we tend to focus on the differences between the generations. I am finding so much common ground. We are more alike than we may realize. As I study the trends, I understand the new generations want to collaborate, make a meaningful […]


Little & Big Things

Published May 8th, 2017 in Blog, Leadership, Motivation

I love crossing things off my ‘to-do’ list. At that very second (I am told) there is a feels-so-satisfying dopamine hit to the brain. It feels so good, it gets addicting. We can spend our days checking the list, crossing things off – searching for that temporary reward, without touching things that really matter.  It’s quite possible […]


Compliance Will Never Take You Where Commitment Can Go

Published June 19th, 2013 in Blog, Leadership

What is the first thing that jumps to mind when you hear the question: “Who is accountable for this?” It’s an interesting experiment to ask people for their personal definition of “accountability.” I’ve heard everything from, “responsibility” to “blame.” Some people describe accountability as a quality or characteristic; others frame it as finger pointing, obligation […]


Meetings that Can Change Everything, Part III

Published August 22nd, 2011 in Blog, Leadership

I was stunned recently when a long-time client called to say, “Our team is not functioning well. We need help…soon.” While it’s not uncommon to hear a team is struggling to be effective, it was a huge surprise with this particular group. I’d been working with them for many years and had always known them […]


Meetings that Can Change…Everything (Part 1)

Published August 5th, 2011 in Blog, Leadership, Motivation

Most of us can probably relate to meeting “overload.” One study suggests that managers spend 30% – 40% of their time in meetings! Even more staggering is the fact that much of that meeting time is considered a total waste of time. Still, there are meetings that will make a difference. I believe there are […]